/**************************************** ** regex.txt ** ****************************************/ Use the / key to do the following regular expression samples. ------------------------------------------- Four digits: \d\d\d\d Only Four digit numbers: \<\d\d\d\d\> Numbers that are 5 to 6 digits: \<\d\{5,6}\> -------------------------------------------- 1234 333 12 56434 3333 87 133000 1223 333 543 54 55533 3444 554 32 233 443 4499 988 3388 37339 3388922 9992221 332 3322 333 3322 222 3344 55888 33299 338992 3388992234 3233488 3333 111 -------------------------------------------- Three lowercase letters: [[:lower:]]\{3} Three letter words in lowercase: \<[[:lower:]]\{3}\> -------------------------------------------- Bob ball bad car Bill bin bop ban basket cat boss band banana