April 2016 OLUG Meeting

The April OLUG Meeting is coming up on Tuesday, April 5th at 6:30 PM at 1905 Harney Street Suite 203 in the Exchange Building in Omaha, NE. (Please note, we have moved to Room 203)

Presentation: Let’s Encrypt
Presenter: Aaron Grothe

The Meeting will be streamed live on Google+ Hangouts on Air – we do sometimes experience technical difficulties with our streaming setup. Attending the meeting in person does work around most technical difficulties. 🙂

Google+ Event – https://plus.google.com/events/ct05eqgfn3m1g8nrapbbfjm7ifs

Parking info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting/

Entrance info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/how-do-i-enter-the-exchange-building/

March 2016 OLUG Meeting

The March OLUG Meeting is coming up on Tuesday, March 1st at 6:30 PM in The Combine Room , 1905 Harney Street Suite 215 in the Exchange Building in Omaha, NE.

Presentation: Ansible
Presenter: Dave Thacker

The Meeting will be streamed live on Google+ Hangouts on Air – we do sometimes experience technical difficulties with our streaming setup. Attending the meeting in person does work around most technical difficulties. 🙂

Google+ Event – https://plus.google.com/events/cq3emdd8smieb2ailn9tglqeack

Parking info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting/

Entrance info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/how-do-i-enter-the-exchange-building/

February 2016 OLUG Meeting – CANCELED

The February OLUG Meeting has been canceled due to the weather.  Aaron will move his presentation to April.


The February OLUG Meeting is coming up on Tuesday, February 2nd at 6:30 PM in The Combine Room , 1905 Harney Street Suite 215 in the Exchange Building in Omaha, NE.

Presentation: Let’s Encrypt and HTTPS Everywhere
Presenter: Aaron Grothe

The Meeting will be streamed live on Google+ Hangouts on Air – we do sometimes experience technical difficulties with our streaming setup. Attending the meeting in person does work around most technical difficulties. 🙂

Google+ Event – https://plus.google.com/events/cab1ngcptef3shsko2rv22s590o

Parking info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting/

Entrance info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/how-do-i-enter-the-exchange-building/

January 2016 OLUG Meeting

The January OLUG Meeting is coming up on Tuesday, January 5th at 6:30 PM in The Combine Room , 1905 Harney Street Suite 215 in the Exchange Building in Omaha, NE.

Presentation: VirtualBox
Presenter: Jon Larsen

The Meeting will be streamed live on Google+ Hangouts on Air – we do sometimes experience technical difficulties with our streaming setup. Attending the meeting in person does work around most technical difficulties. 🙂

Google+ Event – https://plus.google.com/events/cbadhkef9t2qp84onfrovantnp0

Parking info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting/

Entrance info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/how-do-i-enter-the-exchange-building/

Olug Mailing list Members: 262
Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon. You are using: ipv4.. Meh. - ln04.olug.org
ipv6 ready