We’re having a virtual meeting this month. Aaron Grothe and Matt Payne are speaking. The meeting will be run on Google Meetups. The connection info is below.
OLUG Talk starts at 6:30Aaron Grothe & Matt Payne will be talking about: getting comfortable with the command line — the old and new ways.
Tuesday, August 2 · 6:00 – 8:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/joe-mehg-ucm
Or dial: (US) +1 574-807-6286 PIN: 380 099 295#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/joe-mehg-ucm?pin=7907897404518
Hope to see you online!
Our July meeting will be live and streaming on Tuesday, July 5th at 6:30pm
Location: Brain Exchange, 1902 Howard Street, Omaha NE
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82490654909?pwd=QzA0cVBHalBMRUN1aXVQMVRsZ0Y3Zz09
Meeting ID: 824 9065 4909
Zoom Password: OLUG
Meeting Topic: “Tour of the Proxmox-VE hypervisor”
Presenter: James Harr
Parking Info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting
After the meeting, we gather a block North at The Verdict Bar and Grill for socializing. (It’s taco Tuesday!!)
See you there.
Meeting Topic: Ansible Pilot and Ansible Environments
Presenter: Ben Watson
Parking Info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting
After the meeting, we gather a block North at The Verdict Bar and Grill for socializing. (It’s still Taco Tuesday!)
See you there!!
The May 2022 OLUG meeting will be this Tuesday, May 3rd at 6:30. We’ll be meeting in person and will also be streaming the meeting via Zoom.
Date: May 3rd, 2022
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Brain Exchange, 1902 Howard Street. Omaha, NE
Zoom Stream is available at:
Meeting ID: 824 9065 4909
Zoom Password: OLUG
Topic: The Next Big Things in the Linux Kernel
Presenter: Aaron Grothe
Parking Info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting
After the meeting we gather for SIG beer a block north at The Verdict Bar and Grill (It’s Taco Tuesday)
See you there!
Q: What is the difference between Texas and yogurt? A: Yogurt has culture. You are using: ipv4.. Meh. - ln04.olug.org |