February 2021 OLUG Meeting

Our (virtual) meeting this month will be on Tuesday, February 2nd at 6:30pm. We will be using Jitsi. The meeting link and password is below. The room will be open a few minutes early to chat.

Topic: Server Administration with Cockpit

Presenter: Dave Thacker

Due to Covid restrictions, you will need to to furnish your own tacos this month. Parking should not be a problem. The meeting link is here:


password: olug

See you there!

January 2021 OLUG Meeting

Happy New Year! Our first meeting for the new year will be Tuesday, January 5th, at 6:30 PM. We’ll be meeting virtually using Jitsi. The link is below and the room will be open a few minutes early to chat.

Topic: Filing a Bug in Debian

Presenter: Aaron Grothe

Due to Covid restrictions, you will need to furnish your own tacos. Parking should not be a problem. The meeting link is here:


The password is :olug

See you on the Web!

December 2020 OLUG Meeting

Our December 2020 OLUG meeting will be Tuesday, December 1st at 6:30. We’ll be meeting virtually on Jitsi. The meeting link is below. If anyone has a short (1-10) minute topic you would like to present, we’d like to hear it. If not, we’ll just do some socializing and discuss plans for 2021.

I hope to see you there!


password: olug


November 2020 OLUG Meeting

Our November 2020 OLUG meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 at 6:30 pm. We’ll meet virtually again this month. The meeting room will be open a few minutes before the starting time.

Topic: Wifi 6

Presenter: Jon Larsen

Due to Covid restrictions, you will have to furnish your own tacos. Parking should not be a problem. The meeting link is here:


Jitsi Password is: olug

Looking forward, I’m looking for a few presenters on Tuesday, December 1st 2020. As our tradition, in December we’ll have a handful of short presentations and some social time.

See you (on the web) soon!

Olug Mailing list Members: 262
Q: What do you call 15 blondes in a circle? A: A dope ring. Q: Why do blondes put their hair in ponytails? A: To cover up the valve stem. You are using: ipv4.. Meh. - ln04.olug.org
ipv6 ready