January 2021 OLUG Meeting

Happy New Year! Our first meeting for the new year will be Tuesday, January 5th, at 6:30 PM. We’ll be meeting virtually using Jitsi. The link is below and the room will be open a few minutes early to chat.

Topic: Filing a Bug in Debian

Presenter: Aaron Grothe

Due to Covid restrictions, you will need to furnish your own tacos. Parking should not be a problem. The meeting link is here:


The password is :olug

See you on the Web!

December 2020 OLUG Meeting

Our December 2020 OLUG meeting will be Tuesday, December 1st at 6:30. We’ll be meeting virtually on Jitsi. The meeting link is below. If anyone has a short (1-10) minute topic you would like to present, we’d like to hear it. If not, we’ll just do some socializing and discuss plans for 2021.

I hope to see you there!


password: olug


November 2020 OLUG Meeting

Our November 2020 OLUG meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 at 6:30 pm. We’ll meet virtually again this month. The meeting room will be open a few minutes before the starting time.

Topic: Wifi 6

Presenter: Jon Larsen

Due to Covid restrictions, you will have to furnish your own tacos. Parking should not be a problem. The meeting link is here:


Jitsi Password is: olug

Looking forward, I’m looking for a few presenters on Tuesday, December 1st 2020. As our tradition, in December we’ll have a handful of short presentations and some social time.

See you (on the web) soon!

October 2020 OLUG Meeting

Our October 2020 OLUG meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 at 6:30 pm. We’ll virtually meet again this month. The meeting room will be open a few minutes before the starting time.

Topic: Preparing for the RHCSA Exam

Presenter: Dave Thacker

Due to Covid restrictions, you will have to furnish your own tacos. Parking should not be a problem. I’ll update this post when we set up the meeting link.

Looking forward, I’m looking for a presenter for Tuesday, November 3rd and a few presenters on Tuesday December 1st 2020. As our tradition, on December we’ll have a handful of short presentations and some social time.

See you (on the web) soon!

Olug Mailing list Members: 261
Q: Why do people who live near Niagara Falls have flat foreheads? A: Because every morning they wake up thinking "What *is* that noise? Oh, right, *of course*! You are using: ipv4.. Meh. - ln04.olug.org
ipv6 ready