[OLUG] procmail on redhat6

W. Mark Hagler hagler at th.in.gs
Wed Dec 8 03:05:03 UTC 1999

Redhat 6.1 uses smrsh (sendmail restricted shell) for executing programs
external to sendmail.   The restricted shell will only run stuff that
the system administrators has authorized by looking in /etc/smrsh. Make
a link to /usr/bin/procmail in /etc/smrsh and then you can call that
program from your .forward file.

"Matt G. Payne" wrote:
> Does anyone use procmail on a redhat6 system?   IF I just have
> .procmailrc, it is ignored.  If I try to do the .forward to procmail, I
> get the "Address payne is unsafe for mailing to programs" error.
> Any clues would be great!  Thanks! -Matt
> --                                                       ((
>   Matt Payne                                              ))
>   http://Novia.net/~payne                               |----|__
>   Payne at ACM.org                                        (      ) )
>                                                         \____/'-
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