[OLUG] cooledit

Tim Russell russell at probe.net
Fri Dec 17 15:25:10 UTC 1999

Shoot, I thought you were talking about CoolEdit Pro, the sound editor!
Wish they'd make that available for Linux, I love it...


-----Original Message-----
From: ktb <xyf at inetnebr.com>
To: Omaha Linux Users Group <olug at bstc.net>
Date: Thursday, December 16, 1999 9:49 PM
Subject: [OLUG] cooledit

>Has anyone on this list successfully gotten 'cooledit' to run on a
>mostly stock Debian Slink system?  I've been working with people on the
>cooledit mail list and Debian mail list and just can't get the damn
>thing to read the lib that comes with it.  I know this is vague, I don't
>want to post the problem because I've wasted enough peoples time on
>this.  Just thought I might get lucky and find someone who has installed
>this before.

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