[OLUG] One word ----- Guilty!

Paul McNally nally at radiks.net
Thu Apr 6 00:52:22 UTC 2000

on 4/3/00 4:27 PM, Rogers, John C NWD02 at
John.C.Rogers at nwd02.usace.army.mil wrote:

> Let the lawyers feast from the wounds of battle!!
> Maybe the damn arrogant smug will now disappear from the Mickeysoft geeks
> faces.
The smug was seen cavorting with our "elected" "representatives"
today in Washington.

Maybe Bill Gates is now getting leniency in trade for letting Al
Gore take credit for inventing Windows and desktop computing as
we know it. We know the Windows has put desktop computing back
years in development for the masses, but the masses don't know it.
They won't know that Gore did not invent computers, eventually.

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