[OLUG] Good places to work in Omaha/Lincoln?

tetherow at nol.org tetherow at nol.org
Tue Apr 11 06:28:01 UTC 2000

On  5 Apr, Jon Keene wrote:
> I recently graduated from UNL (BS CS) and am job hunting.
> I wonder if anyone on the list would be willing to recommend
> some places to apply in the Lincoln-Omaha area?  I'd like
> to work as a programmer or software engineer, preferably
> in a unix/linux environment.

We are taking applications at Nebraska Online, you can send the resume
to me at:
301 N 13th Street
Suite 301
Lincoln Nebraska

Or you can stop up we are on the third floor, conference side of the
Cornhusker (elevator/stairs to third floor, north end of the elevator

Sam Tetherow                           tetherow at nol.org
Director of Development
Nebrask@ Online                        http://www.nol.org/

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