[OLUG] Hosed my system/fdisk can't read disk drive now.

Brian Roberson brian at bstc.net
Fri Feb 25 01:01:44 UTC 2000

break out the waranty on the new system, sounds like a defective part,
either hd controller or hd itself, you didn't happen to go inside the case
at all prior to the catastrophy?

ktb wrote:

> I've sent this message to the Debian list but haven't received a reply
> that is helping at this point.  I know there are at least one person on
> both lists so I apologize for the cross post.  Just though someone on
> this list might be able to help.
> Thanks,
> kent
> I've pulled a real bone head deal it seems.  I decided to patition the
> HD on my new system so that I could put both Windows 98 and Slink on
> it.  I tried using fdisk under "dos" but it wouldn't let me delete the
> current partition so I used the Slink installation disk and cfdisk to
> partition my HD.  I cut the disk in half and added one partition "Win95
> FAT32 (LBA)" which was what it was before except that it took up the
> whole disk.  I marked it as bootable.  I then attempted to install W98
> and got the message "no HD found."  I went into the bios setup and the
> disk can't be detected.  I switched it to "auto" but no improvement.  I
> used the Slink installation cd again and found  I get the message "FATAL
> ERROR: Cannot read disk drive Press any key to exit fdisk."  I have no
> installation disks for this HD.  It is the HD that came with the
> system.  What the heck do I do now?
> Thanks,
> kent
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