[OLUG] Speakers for the next meeting.

Chris Garrity m0ntar3 at home.com
Wed Jan 19 00:05:22 UTC 2000

(choke)! I don't believe the St. Mary's computer lab would be able
handle the crowd that would show up ... maybe we could arrange a Linus
vs. Bill showdown at the Civic Auditorium and have Mr. Buffet pick 'em
both up at the airport :-) While we're at it, we should get Alan Cox,
Larry Wall and Richard Stallman to show too :-) Maybe Bruce Sterling and
William Gibson also, and to keep it real we could throw in Ken Thompson,
Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie ... and Andrew Tanenbaum (if he pays
us :-) )


Dan Schlichting wrote:
>         Hello,
>           Is Anyone Interested in hearing Linux Trovolds talk sometime.
> I have a contact at my office that can maybe arrange a visit.
> Any Takers and I am not sure who is in charge of the meetings but
> I can try to get it setup if you are interested.
> Dan
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