[OLUG] partitioning the HD

Rado Bonk bonkr at s-cwis.unomaha.edu
Sat Jan 22 17:47:52 UTC 2000

Does it mean, that Linux partition let say hda7 can start somewhere around
9 GB (if I would likw to keep 9GB for W98 and 3GB for Linux). I knew that
Linux can't be installed after the certain cylinder (I think 1024). Since
there are no problems in new distro, that is great.


> Rado Bonk wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Linux users,
> > I am going to install Linux on my friend's computer. He has 12 GB HDD and
> > woul like to have Linux and W98 at this HDD. How would you partition this
> > HDD to avoid '8GB' problems with Linux?
> > 6GB for W98 and 6GB for Linux is fine. I would like to use LILO as boot
> > manager. Ihave instaled Linux and WNT a couple of times, but not on disk
> > bigger than 8GB.
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > -Rado
> > 
> > ---
> Win98 nor any current distro of Linux have any problems with partitions
> over 8GB.
> -- 
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