[OLUG] Old libraries question

Patrick Swartz pswartz at digitalrom.com
Tue Jan 25 00:18:32 UTC 2000

Could someone please help me out with a library question I have.  I have
been migrating our RH5.x servers  and Slackware (2.0.30kernel) to RH6.1.
Everything has been going great, my only problem is that one of our
"programmers" insists that I copy the libc.so.4 library to every machine and
enable the binfmt_aout.o module.  I have tried to get him to just recompile
his programs so that they are not dependant on the older library, but for
some reason he refuses.  I have been able to find a few of the source codes
and was successful in recompiling.  He still refuses to help out.  I need
some help as I go to upper-management to convince them that he needs to get
his act-together.  Can anyone give me reasons to either keep the older
library and the aout module or to recompile and get everything up to the
same level.  I need some compelling reasons for the management to side with

If I am way off base I don't mind being wrong.  Please no flames -- I'm not
a programmer.

Is this a good analogy? -- The libc.so.4 is to RH6.1 what a Windoze 3.1 DLL
is to WinNT?  Just an analogy, our managers know the "term" windows - so
they can relate.  I'm sure that there are a zillion holes in the idea, but
it might get  the idea accross.

Thanks for your help, I am glad to be part of such a vibrant UG.


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