[OLUG] trying to set up a dumb terminal

Adam Lassek lunatik at radiks.net
Wed Jan 26 04:36:57 UTC 2000

No, I don't subscribe (although I probably will one of these days). Thank for
the help. Wouldn't that require a bootrom, though? I don't have one, so I was
planning on using a bootdisk

Drazak wrote:

> I did this about 2 years ago with an old diskless Sparc IPC.  Youll need
> to set up tftpd and nfs.  The gist of it is you put the boot image for the
> diskless machine in the tftp directory, then you link it to the diskless
> machines MAC address in hex.  The diskless machine RARPS to get its IP,
> downloads the image, boots of it, and nfs mounts a partition for itself.
> It sounds hard, but it really wasnt bad.  I followed the diskless
> workstation howto on linux.org and an article in the Linux Journal.  If
> you are a subscriber, search online to get it.  If not, Ill dig up the old
> issue and you can just have it.
> Of course, I then realized that a diskless IPC was worthless for about
> anything other then the experience of getting it up and running :)
> _Drew
> On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> > A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> >
> > > I've got an old p200 laying around that I would like to have crunching
> > > rc5 packs or something, but I don't have any hard drives for it. So, I'm
> > > trying to set it up as a remote boot workstation, that will boot off of
> > > my main computer over the network. The documentation to do this,
> > > however, is less than clear. Since I'm sure there's at least a couple of
> > > sysadmins here, I figured someone might be able to help.
> >
> > All I know is you need to setup tftp.  I think it would be easier to use a
> > floppy to boot the thing then mount the root FS over NFS.
> >
> > > First of all: how do you configure dhcp?
> >
> > Use webmin to configure ISC's DHCP v2 server.  I have a working config
> > file that you should be able to (mostly) drop in.
> >
> > --
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Phil Brutsche                                 pbrutsch at creighton.edu
> >
> > "There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
> > universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
> >
> >
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