[OLUG] Network Collisions

Dave Burchell burchell at inetnebr.com
Mon Jan 31 19:20:53 UTC 2000

Phil Brutsche says:
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > Cool.  We could also set up some actual computers with some actual NICs
> > on a small LAN.  Perhaps I could do the whacky demos if someone else
> > wants to set up a demonstration network.  (Of course, at CSM we already
> > have access to a fully configured, working LAN, but it might be good to see
> > one built step-by-step.)
> Need any hardware contributions for the demo?  I have a variety of systems
> that could make things interesting...

Actually, Phil, I was thinking that _you_ could set up a few machines from
scratch to work on a little LAN while I give "color commentary" for the
instruction of the listeners.  (You did such a good job putting Nally's
box on the net, after all.)  What do you say?

Dave Burchell                                          40.49'N, 96.41'W
Free your mind and your software will follow.              402-467-1619
http://incolor.inetnebr.com/burchell/                  burchell at acm.org     

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