[olug] OLUG & IBM's Java Briefing Days (fwd)

Brian Roberson brian at bstc.net
Tue Jul 4 16:58:35 UTC 2000

Brian Roberson
brian at bstc.net

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Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 12:08:23 -0400
Subject: OLUG & IBM's Java Briefing Days
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Dear OLUG Contact:

IBM is hosting a series of Java Briefing Days around the world.  We would
like your help in publicizing these events.  I am enclosing two versions of
the text for your use.  Please let me know how and when you would be able
to use this to promote these important events.  Thank you.

Java Briefing Days: e-business solutions for you!

Plan now to attend an IBM Java (TM) Briefing Day to learn
first-hand from industry experts about how IBM Java and e-business
products can speed development and get your application to market
faster.  If you are a commercial software developer, designing or
implementing e-business solutions for your customers, you won't want
to miss this event.  There is no charge for the session. In addition, each
attendee will receive complimentary copies of IBM WebSphere plus other
hot e-business software.  Register now at:

Attend an IBM Java (TM) Briefing Day to learn how IBM Java and
e-business products can help get your application to market faster.
There is no charge for the session; attendees will receive complimentary
copies of IBM WebSphere plus other hot e-business software. Register now

Lindsey Lurie
PartnerWorld for Developers
Developer Relationship Marketing
t/I 793-0967, 512/823-0976
llurie at us.ibm.com

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