[olug] cron

Vincent vraffensberger at home.com
Sun Jul 16 16:47:04 UTC 2000

mesc wrote:
> While attempting to add updatedb to crontab I took the advice of the
> book redhat unleashed and  entered this command.........crontab -l
> >/usr/bin/updatedb.....that just overwrote my updatedb file with my
> core.find file .......* 14 * * * find / -name "core*" -exec ls {}
> \;.....I've looked for updatedb in the rpm section  of my cd and it
> doesn't appear to be there.Is there anything I can do to get updatedb up
> and running again?
>                     Thank you,Gary Martin
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
updatedb is part of findutils-4.*.rpm

crontab -l	this shows the current crontab entries

>/path/file	this redirects command output to a file
		(in this example), overwriting the file

>>		same redirect, but it appends data

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