[OLUG] Science Fair Topics

Dave Burchell burchell at inetnebr.com
Mon Jun 5 15:48:17 UTC 2000

Brian Z says:

> OLUG Members,

> Next year for school, I'm going to do a science fair experiment.
> I am having problems trying to decide on an experiment to perform.  I
> was 
> hoping someone here had some ideas they could pass along to me.  I
> would like to do a project dealing with any combination of the following
> topics:

> Linux, JAVA, Cryptography, The Internet, and Maths (Algebra and above).

How about the Linux random number generator (/dev/random)?  Questions could

How does it work?
How random is it?
How can we make it more random?
How can we make it produce more random numbers?
Can we pull randomness from the Internet somehow to make the generator more

Dave Burchell                                          40.49'N, 96.41'W
Free your mind and your software will follow.              402-467-1619
http://incolor.inetnebr.com/burchell/                  burchell at acm.org     

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