[OLUG] LinuxFest Update

Aaron Grothe grothe at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 18 00:17:58 UTC 2000

Hey Guys,

I've heard back from a few people that they will probably be attending
Linuxfest on Saturday.  Unfortunately my team and I'll be heading back
Friday night to attend a wedding Saturday so we probably won't get a
chance to meet anybody from OLUG down at the fest.

I believe the show is going to be either really good or really bad.  I'm
a bit concerned if it goes the bad route as I recommended to my backers
that they come down to the show to have some meetings with us, hopefully
it'll be good.

I'll probably post a quick notice about how the fest looks on Wednesday
night to let you know if it is really worth the 3.5 hour drive.  It will
be a short review probably a paragraph or 2.


"The Journey is the Reward" - Old Zen Buddhist Saying

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