[OLUG] Icons

Quinn Coldiron qcoldiron at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 20 20:51:41 UTC 2000

I'm having loads of fun with enlightenment and the various Mac themes (i'm
using eMac and Aqua), but I need a bunch of Mac icons.  I'm looking for disk
drives, files, folders, devices, etc. to drop into gmc so it looks like the Mac
file manager.  Heh, I even found a Mac theme for asclock!

I found a few icons, and they are cool, but I really want a full set.  Does
anybody know where to get these?


     ~	   Quinn P. Coldiron
    . .	   http://thetoolhouse.com/qcoldiro/
   // \\   qcoldiron at yahoo.com
  /(   )\  qcoldir at nmhs.org

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