[OLUG] meeting on June 22

Brian Roberson brian at bstc.net
Fri Jun 23 01:57:27 UTC 2000

Hey gang,
	Unless I hear other voices, I am going to assume everyone is happy
with this month's topics, which are...... ( drumroll please )......

lpd, "Line printer daemon"  -- Brian Roberson
gs,  "Aladdin Ghostscript interpreter/previewer" -- Brian Roberson /
additional help requested
printool, "Red Hat's print queue manager/configurator" -- ?
?, "Distribution 'X' print tools" -- ?
?, "Name that topic - monthly topic choice's and the 2 cent rule" -- Brian
Roberson / group input

As you can see, there are plenty of ?'s to be filled, please side bar with
me directly to get these gap's filled!



Brian Roberson

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