[OLUG] yet more ppp

Mike McNally mmcnally3 at prodigy.net
Sun Mar 5 18:01:15 UTC 2000

Most providers have automatic pap login/auth, but it sounds like you're
getting a login and password prompt.  According to the ppphowto,
negotiating this will require receive/send lines in your chat script. 
The use of minicom is mearly to see what the prompt looks like so as to
know how to write the chat script.  If this is what you need advice on,
then send us the chat file.  I haven't had to deal with this sort of
login, but I am sure someone here has...  Try less ppphowto then /
chat.  Also see man chat.


mesc wrote:
> After reading and following the PPP-HOWTO again my ppp still  won't
> work. If  I use minicom I can hear my modem dialing out and I get the
> login and password prompt,after I login in I get the pppd garbage
> characters but only 1/2 a line worth.Unsure if I was connected I tried
> browsing with my netscape and I got the DNS error so obviously I wasn't
> connected.Getting agravated with my attempts to get my ppp up I tried
> <usernetctl ppp up> I got the message that users cannot control this
> interface.When I first set up ppp I checked allow user to start
> interface.Could that message be behind my ppp troubles?.....in other
> words am I on to something? :)
>             Thank you,Gary Martin
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