[OLUG] yet more ppp

mesc mesc at radiks.net
Tue Mar 7 18:17:42 UTC 2000

I'm sorry Mike I negletced to tell you i have a ps/2 mouse the only thing on my
com ports is my modem and that's on com 3/irq3 (I changed it from com 4 when I
was changing irq's earlier.)I had my modem on com 1/irq4 a month ago and my
linux dialed out fine but now when I install it on com 1/irq 4 and then click
"more info" in windows modem properties  i get a message saying to either make
sure the modem is switched on or if it's an internal modem I may have a irq
conflict on the port.I've tried every irq available to that port and the modem
still won't communicate thru the "more info" in windows.
When I dial in with minicom I do get the login: and password: prompt and after
those are entered I get PPP session from (xxx.xx......) and it never finishes
with my ip it just stays like that.  I also neglected to tell you I called my
isp today and they do not use pap or chap.
    I can go back to trying to make my modem work on com 1  but I haven't had
any luck getting it to work in the previous 2 weeks,why it don't want to work
now I don't know when I first bought the modem 6 months ago I installed  it and
it worked in linux and windows without a problem....thats was with the jumpers
set  to PnP too.

            Thank you,Gary

P.S. I think I'm going nuts :)

Mike McNally wrote:

> mesc wrote:
> >
> > Ok heres what I did,I set my modem's jumpers to com 1/irq 5 (no irq
> > conflicts).On linux bootup it detected ttyS01/irq3 and ttyS02/irq 4 but
> > the weird part is the only way I can get't my modem to dial out unless I
> So your mouse is on com2/irq3.
> > link
> > it to ttyS02 and use minicom ....it won't dial out with kppp in X (I get
> >
> > a modem not responding message) nor will it dial out from  the command
> > line with ifup ppp0 the commamd I used to use for it.(it just hangs till
> > I
> > ^C it then I ge tthis message>Failed to activate ppp0 with error 8)
> >   I then did cat /proc/interrupts and could see irq 4 for a serial
> > port but no irq 5 for the modem,I'm not sure if thats  right shouldn't I
> >
> > have seen the irq for my modem?
> >  I had to disable com 1 in my bios becauses because windows could
> > not detect my modem under com 1 only com 3 so I disabled it to avoid a
> > irq
> > conflict.
> This is quite strange.  Are you sure you didn't just mess up when
> attempting to get com1/irq4 working?
> >  Seeing that it would only dial out if linked to ttyS2 I switched
> > my jumpers to com 3/irq 5 but that made no  difference,it would still
> > only
> > dial out in minicom.
> >  I then checked /var/log/messages and got the following output:
> > Mar  7 14:42:06 jimbo ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/modem at
> > 115200
> > Mar  7 14:42:06 jimbo modprobe: can't locate module char-major-108
> > Mar  7 14:42:06 jimbo pppd[1584]: pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
> > Mar  7 14:42:13 jimbo pppd[1584]: Terminating on signal 15.
> > Mar  7 14:42:13 jimbo chat[1594]: SIGTERM
> > Mar  7 14:42:13 jimbo pppd[1584]: Connect script failed
> > Mar  7 14:42:18 jimbo pppd[1584]: Exit.
> >
> >  According to the pppd man page Terminating on signal 15=The link
> > was terminated because the peer is not responding to echo requests.
> > (scratching head)
> >
> >  I've pasted the following files I configured to use with ppp.I've
> > tried editing the /etc/ppp/options file like you said Mike and I've had
> > no
> > luck yet :(
> >
> > /etc/ppp/chat
> >
> > "" "at"
> > OK "at&d0&c1"
> > OK " ATDT8275000"
> > "name:" "xxxx"
> > "word:" "xxxxxxx"
> > TIMEOUT 60
> >
> Previously we have discussed that you did not receive anything like a
> shell login when you were able to connect via minicom... ie prompts
> like:
>         username:
>         password:
> That means that your provider is likely using pap.  So the *name: *word:
> lines are inappropriate.  Your discussion of the scripts introduced in
> chapt/sec 15 of the ppphowto are also inappropriate as stated in 15.1
> line uno:
>         If your isp does not require the use of pap/chap then these are the
> scripts for you!
> But you made no indication that you were receiving a shell like prompt,
> so these scripts are inappropriate.  All you need is the programs pppd
> and chat and the config files: options, pap-secrets, chat-myisp... oh,
> and the program ppp-off that shuts it down and deletes the pid file.
> Get rid of the name and word lines.  You'll also want to get your modem
> setup on either com1/irq4 or com2/irq3, else you will need to probably
> run the command setserial.
> What's plugged into your comm ports?  And why did you have to disable
> com1... once I screwed up somehow in installing the modem on com2 so I
> put it on com4 and then had to disable com2 and I was always confused
> about what was on which port until I set a rule (for myself):
>         serial mouse (if exists) on lowest com port
>         modem                   next com port
> Now I always know what my mouse and modem are plugged into... and it
> isn't one of the irqs normally used for the sound brd or the printer.
> But to each his own.
> Mike
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