[OLUG] XFree86 4.0

Chris Garrity m0ntar3 at home.com
Wed Mar 15 17:00:16 UTC 2000

	Compare (internals and externals) xinitrc in /etc/X11/xinitrc/ and
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/, the latter should be a simbolic link to the
former (I think).  Redhat distributes its own, and XFree86 comes with a
default.  The Redhat one reads the .Xclients* files in your home
directory when startx gets launched (I think).

	Your card should will probably work fine without the glx module, except
for graphics libraries used with 3D games (anyone playing a cool 3D game
on Linux?).  

	Loki has some good step-by-step how-tos on getting your AGP setup and
modules installed.  I've got both working (glx and /dev/gart), but it's
academic, because I get get an application that uses them to work (or
really find one).  QuakeIII demo is scarey, as in complete lockup (no
alt-ctrl-backspace), and RESET.


_chris (thinking)

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