[OLUG] can we talk backups?

Mike Hostetler thehaas at binary.net
Sun Mar 19 05:52:04 UTC 2000

I have a possible subject for a discussion.  I am by no means qualified to do it, but
I could help.

The subject is backups.  Things to consider:

		  o   how often (obviously, not often enough)?
		  o   which is better - tar or cpio?
		  o   best way to script it?
		  o   is it worth buying a commercial program for this (i.e. BRU)?

This is a very sysadmin-ish subject, but is important to anyone that runs a system.
I, myself, have had problems and had to reload Linux (usually due to hardware issues,
not necessarily OS issues), and sometimes I have had recent backups and sometimes . .
er, let's just say that I was hard to talk to for about four weeks.

*If* no one jumps up and volunteers, I'll be brave enough to go up in front of the
group and advertise my ignorance on the subject. But there has to be someone that has
instutited better plans than what I have, which is:

		  find /* -depth|grep -v var |grep -v proc|grep -v tmp > backup.txt
		  cpio -o -H crc -F /dev/tape < backup.txt

- mikeh

Mike Hostetler          
thehaas at binary.net 
GnuPG key: http://www.binary.net/thehaas/mikeh.gpg 

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