[olug] Installing Postgresql

Chad S. Lauritsen csl at plconline.com
Tue Oct 3 14:22:46 UTC 2000

FWIW, you don't have to do a 'find / ' to see where a file is if it's
installed from an rpm. Just do

 rpm -qil pkgname | grep 'whatever'

should give speedier results.

locate filename

is nice too, if you have it.

Jay Woods wrote:
> I've installed postgresql a couple of times using (out of the history
> file and suppressing the chaff):
>        148  rpm -e postgresql-perl-6.5.3-1mdk.i586.rpm
>        149  rpm -e postgresql-server-6.5.3-1mdk
>        150  rpm -e postgresql-6.5.3-1mdk
>        152  cd /root/tmp
>        156  rpm -i postgresql-6.5.3-1mdk.i586.rpm
>        157  rpm -i postgresql-server-6.5.3-1mdk.i586.rpm
>        158  rpm -i postgresql-perl-6.5.3-1mdk.i586.rpm
>        159  find / -name pgsql -print
> The pgsql executable is not found. No error messages were generated. The
> startup of the server is in the startup scripts. There is all kinds of
> documentation in the /usr/doc/postgresql-6.5.3/ subdirectory. Are there
> any suggestions? ---Jay

* Chad S. Lauritsen, Systems Administrator                       *
* Perfection Learning Corporation                                *
* 1000 North Second Avenue, Logan, IA 51546 712.644.2831 x 223   *
"Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons!" --C.M. Burns

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