[olug] Re: Linux/NT

Dietz, John D. dietz_j at penguinpowered.com
Tue Oct 24 00:14:18 UTC 2000

The next question is can I run windows software off of it in NT Workstation?

-----Original Message-----
From: dbw [mailto:commando at robotz.com]
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 6:49 PM
To: olug at bstc.net
Subject: [olug] Re: Linux/NT

Based on what I am reading:

>Actually, what I need is NT Workstation to log on to
>it and make it act like
>an NT server, such as files, and keeping preference,
>etc. Like any WinNT server would do..

It looks like you are interested in using Samba on Linux to set up or
mimic, if you will, an NT server.  You can use Samba as your domain
controller or just as a simple file share on a Micro$oft Windowze network.

I use Samba at work and at home, and it makes a terrific NT server.  At
work it is our network domain controller (PDC) and our winblowze boxen
have no idea that it is not an NT server.

I have learned more about server message block, netbios and the like by
working with Samba than I ever did working with Micro$oft NT server and
Micro$oft networking.

The easiest way to get your Samba up and running depends on your linux
distro.  I am going to give you some quick tips for Redhat. Make sure that
you installed Samba when you set up RH, if not, just grab the RPM and
install it.

Edit your /etc/inetd.conf and add the following line:
swat      stream  tcp     nowait.400      root /usr/sbin/swat swat

It is probably already in there and commented out.  Just remove the # in
front and save the file.

Then do a killall -HUP inetd

This enables a sweet little utility called Swat.  You can use this to
configure your Samba services.

Also, with Redhat, if you would like your smb service to start when you
boot the machine, just go into /etc/rc.d/rc3.d and do a `mv K35smb

If you just want to set up a simple share, you won't need to worry about
adding machines into your smb user file.

You can also add network users with swat.
I use swat from the console by typing `lynx localhost:901` and logging in
as root when it asks for authentication.

I'm not going to go into great detail here.  However, I would recommend
reading the samba howto and if you are still having problems I can go into
greater detail on specific things through this mail-list.

Here is how I would, for example, add an NT workstation to my domain on a
linux server running Samba; if it is also my network domain controller,
which it is and does a great job at being:

adduser machinename$ -M -u 300   (or whatever uid)
smbpasswd -a -m machinename

Here is how I add a network user to my Samba NT domain controller:

adduser -u 500 username  (or whatever uid)
passwd username    (if you want to set up shell access or whatever, not
necessary though)
smbpasswd -a username    (this adds the user to the smb user file)

I have set up smb on both Redhat linux and Slackware linux.
At home I have it running on a Slackware machine, at work on Redhat, and
both places I am using one of the 2.2 linux kernels.

If you have any questions about setting it up specific to either of these
I can help.  Actually, 99% of it is not specific to any distribution so if
after you have read the Samba Howto you are still having trouble, drop a
message to the list.


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