[olug] network installations

mesc mescie at home.com
Mon Oct 30 15:40:43 UTC 2000

Thank you

            Gary Martin

"Mark A. Martin" wrote:

> Making a boot disk is easy and is done the same way for all
> distributions.  It only takes one command per floppy.  The only
> difference lies in which images you copy to floppies.  Read Red Hat's
> description of how to do it at
> http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-7-Manual/install-guide/s1-steps-install-cdrom.html#S2-STEPS-MAKE-DISKS
> and it should become clear.  (This is one of the URLs from my previous
> message so there's probably no reason to bookmark it again.)
> I recommend making the disks from linux using the dd command.  You can
> even issue the command without the blocksize option (bs=1440k) that Red
> Hat recommends.  As well as the above page at Red Hat, you can read the
> man page for dd for more details.
> One worthwhile precaution that Red Hat doesn't mention is that, if your
> system is running the automount daemon so that floppies are
> automatically mounted, you should unmount the floppy before performing
> the raw copy, i.e. before dd'ing.
> To check whether the floppy is mounted, type
> mount
> and look for an entry for /mnt/floppy or /dev/fdx, where x is a digit.
> If the floppy is mounted, unmount it using the command
> umount /mnt/floppy
> or
> umount /dev/fdx,
> where x is the appropriate number.  Once you've copied an image to a
> floppy, you can mount the floppy and see what's there, if you want.  The
> images are all ext2 filesystems.  Look at the man pages for mount and
> umount for more information.
> This isn't absolutely necessary but you might get confusing results if
> the floppy is mounted during the copy.
> Sometimes easy things can seem mysterious if you're expecting them to be
> long, arcane, difficult processes.  This is one of those cases.  Don't
> worry.  Be happy.
> Mark
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mark A. Martin                                  Dept of Applied Mathematics
> http://www.amath.washington.edu/~mmartin        University of Washington
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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