[olug] remote root heads up on Redhat

puzzled puzzled at home.com
Wed Sep 27 13:19:33 UTC 2000

> You need to invest a little time in a VPN between home and work/wherever
> you are at the time.

    uhh, nope, would mean my box still presents interface to the outside
world. I have ISDN routers. I have just completed an FBSD install (minus X11
due to silly video hardware :-() We've got ISDN ports at work but no circuits

   I think a totally separate network might be just the solution here for a
variety of reasons I'll be happy to discuss at the next security related

> I have a set of shell/perl scripts I threw together for Jimmy if you want
> them - they set up a VPN with pppd and ssh.
> > I strongly suspect that it was a DoS because I've been bitch slapping
> > skr1pt k1dd13s on IRC lately and one of 'em really took a disliking to
> > the procedure ;-)
> I bet - I heard about the *really* pissed off guy on #efnet...

  Really pissed guy on #EFNet has chilled :-) When you're fighting guys in
little black PJs you don't shoot 'em one at a time - you fly to their home
country and bomb the shit out of their rolling stock, shipping, power
generation, etc, etc.

  So when the college student from an eastern university who was helping him
got a visit from Vice Provost of IS for the school, and the admin of the
'gray hat' site he was using heard we were going to skip the FBI and proceed
directly to district court in NE with a suit against him and his employer(!)
it took about 12 hours for the message to get through. I don't imagine the
fact that I put a bounty on him hurt, either :-)

   Much credit for this sucess goes to M0ntar3, an australian naval cadet, a
2nd shift operator at a french telco, and a Russian/Greek kid from Cyprus who
serves as the commander of our 'off shore artillery' when we get into such
disputes. Some times its good to have friends in low places :-) :-) :-)

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