Here's a stumper

Chris Garrity m0ntar3 at
Tue Aug 21 23:17:00 UTC 2001

    Try downloading one of the driver from Nvidia's site:

    I guess is that the function  XAAPixelAccel is very new, and so 
isn't present in any of your X libraries, which is what "unresolved 
symbols" means; that when X starts up it loads the nvidia_drv.o file, 
reads what's in there, looks for the symbols it finds (in other 
libraries), doesn't find 'em, then bombs out. There is a way to list the 
symbols present in library files, but I don't know it off hand.. hold on 
a bit.

    You could search for that XAAPixelAccel library with the command nm. 
Like so:

    find /usr -name lib\*.a -print -exec nm {} \; | egrep -e lib\.\+.a \
        -e XAAPixelAccel | more
    If it's there, you should get the full path to the library, and then 
the functions that match the expression underneath. Make sure these are 
in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (or whatever Linux uses) 
and then try restarting X.


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