[olug] eth0 question

tetherow at nol.org tetherow at nol.org
Tue Aug 28 21:36:43 UTC 2001

On 28 Aug, Dave Burchell wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 03:43:10PM -0500, tetherow at nol.org wrote:
>> Some cards come with tools to set the various settings in DOS or
>> windows (3Com being most prominent) but of course this requires dual
>> boot or wine/dosemu installation.
> I've had good luck with booting DOS (such as MS-DOS version 5.0) from a
> floppy, then running the provided DOS util that came with the card.  Do
> this and you may be able to avoid an MS-Windows install.
> BTW, I hate it when a vendor provides you a DOS-only card config util.
> Why don't they write it in Java so we can use it with our Macs and
> SPARC machines too?  ;-)

The system interface in java is OS dependant and would basically defeat
the purpose of writing it in java in the first place (other than the
same GUI cross platform).

Sam Tetherow                           tetherow at nol.org
Director of Development
NIC Labs (IDG)                         http://www.nicusa.com


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