[olug] YAA (Yet Another Anniversary)

Aaron Grothe grothe at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 30 19:16:25 UTC 2001


I saw an announcement about how kmail 1.0 would fail on September 9, as
it is the one billionth second since epoch.  So let me say this a bit in
advance happy billionth second.

<non-tech digression>

Epoch January 1, 1970 is when unix started counting time.
Linux/Solaris/BSD all count from this time.  Interesting note, since it
is a 32-bit integer on most systems it will overflow in 2038 (over 2
billion seconds), when Unix might have a bit of a Y2K thing, with some
older programs and systems.

</non-tech digression>

Everybody have a happy epoch.


"The Journey is the Reward" - Old Zen Buddhist Saying


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