[olug] can't find root parition

Mike Hostetler thehaas at binary.net
Sat Feb 24 20:21:52 UTC 2001

I found that SuSE 7.1 was out at Best Buy (the one by
Oakview), and decided it was time to upgrade.  The
installation went reletively smooth (except for the fact
they didn't install the ncurses includes . . but never mind
about that).  I use a common kernal config file that I have
used for about two years, that has my sound card config,
scsi config, etc, in it, so it is lean and works really
well.  I was able to import it fine into the configuration
(through "make menuconfig"), but when I tried to boot, it
gave me an error, saying that I needed to specify a correct
root parition.  But I did . . . so I booted up with an older
build, and that worked fine, and the lilo configuration
seems to be the same (only they are pointing to different

In case anyone cares, it booted up 2.2.18, and installed the
sources for 2.4.0.  It did install ppp-2.4.x and
modutils-2.4.  But it was the 2.4 config that had problems
but the 2.2.18 works.

Here is a copy of my lilo.conf.  Can anyone give me some

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Mike Hostetler          
thehaas at binary.net 
GnuPG key: http://www.binary.net/thehaas/mikeh.gpg 

"What good is having someone who can walk on water if you don't follow
in his footsteps?"

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