[olug] free monitor

Mike McNally mmcnally3 at prodigy.net
Wed Jan 31 15:39:55 UTC 2001

I have a monitor I'm not using.  It's not much, but since Mark
Martin has set the excellent precedent of donating unused hardware
to olug members, I will try to do what little I can.  Whoever
would like to have this monitor, please send me an off list email
describing your existing system and what you will use this monitor
for and I will pick someone to give it to.

It's a suziba model SH1431V, by manufactorer hyundai.  A brief
search of the internet did not turn up any v/h sync info, so I
plugged it into a windows 95 pc and it runs the std 640x480 driver;
fails the std 800x600 driver; is a color monitor that has a red
bias; controls for brightness and contrast only.

Mike McNally		mmcnally3 at prodigy.net

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