[olug] apt-get question

Mike McNally mmcnally3 at prodigy.net
Mon Mar 19 02:17:43 UTC 2001

Question re System.map.  I found a post on the net stating that you need
to take the System.map from the /usr/src/linux directory and put it in
/boot just like you do with the kernel image.  But I see no note of a 
need to do this in the README in the /usr/src/linux directory, nor any
mention of need to do this in the modules.txt file in the Documentation
dir of the src dir.  So does make bzImage, or make config, alter the 

Oh, and thanks for all the good suggestions, phil ktb et al.  I appreciate

On Sun 18 Mar 2001, Phil Brutsche wrote:

> It generally is, although I usually make a .tar.gz after I install the
> image & modules, like so:
> <become root>
> cd /
> tar cvfz <kernel-version>.tar.gz boot/System.map-<kernel-version>
> 	boot/vmlinuz-<kernel-version>
> 	lib/modules/<kernel-version>
> The stuff after the "tar ..." should all be on the same line as the "tar"
> command.
> That way distributing the new kernel is as simple as:
> 1) FTP tarball
> 2) extract into root directory
> 3) massage bootloader for the new kernel
> 4) reboot


Mike McNally		mmcnally3 at prodigy.net

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