[olug] Meeting tomorrow nite (11/06/2001)

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Mon Nov 5 20:22:25 UTC 2001

Just a short note on the meeting tomorrow nite. THe meeting will take
place on Tuesday, 11/06/2001, at the AIM Clarkson Training Center on 44th
and Douglas. A map can be found at http://www.aimtraininglink.com/map.htm.
Parking is available in the parking garage south of Douglas street.

The meeting will start at 6:30 pm and they usually run until about 8:00 or
so. Topics for tomorrow will be the upcoming Installfest, and if there's
time, I will give a short presentation on wireless configuration under

Hope to see you all there.

Adam Haeder
Technical Coordinator, AIM Institute
(402) 345-5025 x115
adamh at omaha.org


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