[olug] ipf

Phil Brutsche phil at giedi.obix.com
Tue Oct 23 04:00:31 UTC 2001

Chris Garrity wrote:

>    I've not used iptables really, just ipf. Ipf uses a single rule-set 
> per invocation, does port redirection in a heart-beat, does *stateful* 
> filtering

netfilter also allows for really easy port redirection (one command, or 
two if you haven't already allowed the incoming connection) and 
statefull filtering.

As for rule-sets: all you need is a perl script :)

But it big question is:  Can *BSD do policy routing (aka "advanced 
routing")?  Can *BSD do "bandwidth partitioning" or "priority queues"?

My research says no to the first, and not as flexibly as Linux to the 



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