[olug] Corel Linux Reformat

James Hamelin jhamelin at neb.rr.com
Mon Sep 10 16:48:51 UTC 2001

You can boot from most any Linux CDROM and start the initial setup 
which can be used to remove the linux partitions or...

Boot off a Windows9x cdrom and remove the exisiting linux parition

or From a bootable dos diskette, the utility your lookin for are
fdisk.exe and format.com, along with sys.com 

fdisk, option 3 remove parittions / option 4 ( remove non-msdos ) 
option 1 create new msdos partition ( fat / fat32 ) 
format C: /s ( /s copies system files ) 

Then re-install Windows

Hope this helps
J. Hamelin, MCP 
jhamelin at neb.rr.com

On Monday 10 September 2001 12:02, you wrote:
> se that option, it just says "non-system disk error, press
> any key when ready" and goes back to the menu. Since I can't even get into
> DOS, I can't begin to imagine how I would do a reformat. (It's a Pentium 75
> with 48 MB of RAM).


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