[olug] Help with Sendmail + Cyrus Imap

Jeff Hinrichs JeffH at delasco.com
Mon Sep 10 22:10:31 UTC 2001

I've setup Cyrus IMAP 2.0.16 with Sendmail 8.11.x
Everything appears to be going ok.  I can send mail in and out just
My problem is with sending my directly to a subfolder.
mail addressed to jeffh at domain.com delivers properly to the inbox, but
when I send email to jeffh+test at domain.com, I get the following error
message from sendmail:

Sep 10 16:58:44 my sendmail[2131]: f8ALwiY02131:
<jeffh+test at domain.com>... aliasing/forwarding loop broken (11 aliases
deep; 10 max)

Here is the relevant bit from my sendmail.cf

Mcyrus,         P=[IPC], F=lsDFMnqA5@/:|SmXz, E=\r\n,
                S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
                A=FILE /var/imap/socket/lmtp

Rbb + $+ < @ $=w . >    $#cyrus $: + $1

# if there's a plus part, we want to directly deliver it
R$+ + $*        $#cyrus $@ $: $1 + $2

and just to be complete, here is the structure and permissions for

my.domain.com> lm *
user.jeffh        user.jeffh.sent   user.jeffh.test   user.jeffh.trash
my.domain.com> lam user.jeffh
jeffh lrswipcda
my.domain.com> lam user.jeffh.test
anyone lrsp
jeffh lrswipcda

Any help at all would be appreciated.  I've been reading through my bat
book but it isn't sinking in yet. 



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