[olug] Sound Cards

Jon thechunk at home.com
Tue Sep 25 18:54:58 UTC 2001

I am writing to get a general feel from the crowd here.  I am pretty good at setting up sound hardware.  I am running a dual processor celeron.  I know it ins't smp certified and that might be the largest part of my problems.  Anyway while running a sound blaster live on my bp6 version 1.0 mother board with dual celerons running over clocked I had a fair amount of locked systems.  Especially with newer kernels.  I got my system back to the correct speeds and have switched from sblive to my old awe64.  I really miss my live.  It supported multiple streams wich was very cool.  Anyway system stability is only slightly improved.  I am curios if anyone else uses any of these components especially the bp6 and what there experience has been.  I would really like to build a dual ddr amd 1.2 or 1.4 ghz box with an sblive but wonder if the system locks are going to follow me.  I get the impression ( and personal experience ) that single processor linux boxes are rock solid.  Is there any dual processor users out there with an sblive that can vouch for the stability of smp in linux?  Here is the hardware I am interested in feedback on:
bp6 w/ dual celeron 433 
amd760MP mb / cpu stbility
nvidia geforce2 w/ nvidia kernel drivers

-Jon W


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