[olug] 1st Post and Info on CXOffice

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Sat Apr 6 00:00:42 UTC 2002

On Fri, 05 Apr 2002 00:10:28 
"Nate Rotschafer" <writetogenius at hotmail.com> wrote:

|Welcome to the list...I have been considering the product but wish they
|some kind of demo to try to see if it works with the features I need as I

|use specific areas of office...
ok, so would you care to elaborate here? ask questions, get answers?
>From my first impression though, I would imagine it has all the same
as office, since you literally are installing it, this just provides the
for Gnu/Linux.  Anything particular you think it might not work with?

|I, as a college student, have issues paying 
|$50 for something I don't know if 1) I'll use enough to make it worth it

do you use office? can you make a wager from that experience?
would you rather use office apps from within your Gnu/Linux environment?
(btw - hows your vmwares running?, I'd like to set mine up sometime soon)

|2) If it does exactly what I want...and I'm broke so $50 is a lot of

it's nice to be broke when it's convenient. :) haha
but I understand, thats a good point... guess we gotta find out from
who has that experience. anyone willing to demo or share their opinions?

I believe we have already heard one pair of enthusiastically thumbs up! =)


-just trying to promote constructive criticism & growth rather than
hey Nate... sounds like a 'personal problem'!  annoying eh? ;)

also of note... http://websurvey.unomaha.edu  (sorry, authorization
required by valid uno students only - see below, it's not posted on any
unomaha webpages yet... see next email)

More UNO Campus deals with the devil... UNO ITS is taking a survey to see
students would be willing to accept a $1 increase in tuition per credit
for an expansion of the Microsoft Campus Agreement with UNO... to expand
licensing agreements with students... so students could get office/windows
at a 97% discount... to something like $3 per cd.  

One main good point out it would be students using the software could now
easily be 'legitimate' incase there may be any college students 'pirating'
software!? oh my!? =)
That's pretty much why UNO adopted the agreement too, it was right around
the time the Business Software Alliance (BSA - not the Boy Scouts, as I
thought) was going around Omaha auditing businesses.

Sounds pretty good not!? $30/year tuition increase = $200 software for $3
with perpetual licenses.... sounds like a deal to me!  But does anyone
know of any hidden details behind this agreement (the devil's in the
details) ?... has anyone else heard anything negative about these
agreements, in relation to Gnu/Linux adoption?  I hear SuSE is popular at
UNL... would that affect anything?


  Brian Wiese | bwiese at cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru
GnuPG = www.unomaha.edu/~bwiese/gpg/bwiese-pubkey.html
          "FREEDOM!"  - Braveheart
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