[olug] Infotec and Summer Installfest

Brian Roberson roberson at olug.org
Thu Apr 18 21:13:31 UTC 2002

I will also be present ( tentatively ) both days.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Haeder" <adamh at omaha.org>
To: <olug at olug.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 4:02 PM
Subject: [olug] Infotec and Summer Installfest

> It's that time of year again, the annual Infotec conference is right
> around the corner. There will be an OLUG booth at the Infotec
> (www.infotec.org) show at the end of this month. The show itself runs
> Monday April 22 through Wednesday April 24 at the Holiday Inn Convention
> center on 72nd and Grover in Omaha.
> The vendor booth times are:
> Tuesday, April 23 ...................10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
> Wednesday,  April 24 ..............10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
> The OLUG booth is with the other user group booths in Ford Hall (the
> basement).
>  Other user groups in the past have included Sun, Cisco and NebraskaCERT.
>  I will be manning the booth in Ford Hall both days. I have had volunteers
> to help, and I've put together the following schedule:
>  April 23 : 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Adam Haeder and Lon Larsen
>  April 24 : 10:00 am - 2:00 pm  Adam Haeder and Jeff Hinrichs
>  April 24 : 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm  Adam Haeder and Sam Deel
>  It's nice to have 2 people at the booth at all times to answer questions.
>  This schedule just includes the people that volunteered to help. It's
> always nice to have MORE then 2 people as well, so you are all invited to
> by. If you wish to help out with the booth, you need to stop by the
> "Exhibitor Check-In" registration area and they will print you out a
badge. Just mention my
> name and say you are with the OLUG.
>  One of the primary reasons we have a booth at Infotec is because it's
> great advertising for our installfests. So we've scheduled a summer
> that we can advertise at the booth. The date is Saturday, July 13th. We
> start setup at 10 am, people show up at noon, and we usually stay until
about 6 pm.
> We will talk more about the format of the installfest later, now it's just
> important for everyone to get that date on their calendars.
> My tentative inventory for Infotec:
>  - lots of Installfest flyers
>  - My desktop system and laptop system, networked
>  - some distro cds to give away (maybe take business cards and have a
> raffle?)
>  I'd like to demo some stuff for passerby. I'm going for eyecandy stuff
> like OpenUniverse or UnrealTournament. If anybody wants to drop anything
else by, please
> feel free. We probably won't have internet access, but I'll bring a switch
and some cable and we'll at
> least have power. I'll also bring some wireless cards and see if we can
hook into the wireless
> network there.
>  Any ?s, email me. I hope to see you all next week!
> --
> Adam Haeder
> Technical Coordinator, AIM Institute
> adamh at omaha.org
> (402) 345-5025 x115
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