[olug] Lilo fixed

Gary mescie at cox.net
Fri Apr 26 19:30:59 UTC 2002

It's not booting directely into X.It's hard to desrcibe what I mean but I'll
try.By text bootup I mean I get this scrolling by at bootup>
pr 21 15:03:43 om xfs: xfs startup succeeded
Apr 21 15:03:43 om anacron[1668]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2002-04-21
Apr 21 15:03:43 om xfs: listening on port -1
Apr 21 15:03:43 om anacron: anacron startup succeeded
Apr 21 15:03:43 om anacron[1668]: Normal exit (0 jobs run)
Apr 21 15:03:43 om rc: Starting kheader:  succeeded
Apr 21 15:03:43 om portsentry[1729]: adminalert: Psionic PortSentry 1.1 is
Apr 21 15:03:44 om portsentry: Starting portsentry -atcp:
succeeded.......with an [OK] folling each line.

Right now I'm getting this for example>starting multiuser mode........on a
blue screen with some sort of white icon right above it.
And it does this for every process it starts up at boot.


Nick Walter wrote:

> Hmmm, I'm not sure what you mean by boot up in text mode.  If you are
> wanting to avoid X windows and go right to a console login, I'd suggest
> booting to runlevel 3 and making sure nothing in your inittab or startup
> scripts is starting X.  I know in Red Hat if you boot to runlevel 5 you end
> up in X due to X being started in the inittab for runlevel 5.  You can edit
> the default runlevel in your /etc/inittab file.  It's the line that looks
> like:
> id:3:initdefault:
> The number after 'id:' is what runlevel you are booting to by default.
> Don't ever set this to 6 or 0.
> If you mean avoiding the higher resolution console display modes, just
> remove the vga=788 line from your lilo.conf.
> Nick Walter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mesc [mailto:mesc]On Behalf Of Gary
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 1:56 PM
> To: OLUG
> Subject: [olug] Lilo fixed
> I finally got my LILO working right by adding the word linear to my
> /etc/lilo.conf file like so>
> boot=/dev/hda
> map=/boot/map
> install=/boot/boot.b
> vga=normal
> linear
> default=windows
> keytable=/boot/us.klt
> prompt
> timeout=150
> message=/boot/message
> menu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bw
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
>         label=linux
>         root=/dev/hdb5
>         append=" hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount quiet"
>         vga=788
>         read-only
> other=/dev/hda1
>         label=windows
>         table=/dev/hda
> other=/dev/fd0
>         label=floppy
>         unsafe
> now can anyone tell me how to get it to boot up in the text mode instead
> of the graphical mode?It's driving me crazy :)
>                 Gary
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