[olug] fetchmail

Mike Hostetler thehaas at binary.net
Tue Aug 6 18:32:21 UTC 2002

On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 11:31:42AM -0500, roger schmeits wrote:

> > 2. postfix to procmail
> ok. I have to figure this part out yet. I assuming I instruct procmail
> to read postfix spool file?? 

Your sendmail or other MTA is probably setup correctly out-of-the-box.
You just have to get your mail sent to procmail.

The easiest way is make a .forward file like this in your home directory.

		  echo '|/usr/bin/procmail' > ~/.forward 

I think fetchmail is cool, btw, and is a good example of software that
does one thing and does is very, very well.

-- mikeh

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