[olug] Wierdness with iptables amd compiling the kernel. (continued)

Don Kauffman dkauffman at tconl.com
Thu Aug 15 02:15:16 UTC 2002

Sorry about my incomplete earlier message. I clicked send when I wanted 
to do something else . . . .

I have some wierdness going on between  the 2.4.7-10 kernel and the 
2.4.9-34 kernel (from RedHat) and IPtables. (netfilter) I'm off the net 
with the Linux box until I get this figured out  I have an idea thie all 
might have to do with the System.map but I'm not sure. So, here goes an 
attempt to express this well enough to get some help! [:-)]

1. I compiled the 2.4.9-34 kernel using the configuration file I saved 
from when I configured and compiled the 2.4.7 version. I compiled all of 
netfilter as part of the kernel instead of as a module.

2. When I run my IPtables firewall shell script with 2.4.9, I get the 
following (for example):
init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, 
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.7-10/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.7-10/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.7-10/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o: insmod 
ip_tables failed
iptables v1.2.4: can't initialize iptables table `filter': iptables who? 
(do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

3. Having already installed iptables as part of the kernel, why would I 
then need to insmod???? I also wonder if the 2.4.7 modules aren't 
getting in the way here?

4. When I use the 2.4.7 version that I compiled, it tells me that 
iptables not found and I KNW that shouldn't be because I compiled it 
with IPTABLES support. It used to work but doesn't since I compilled the 
2.4.9 version??????

4. I checked /lib/ and I don't have a modules-2.4.9* library. Problem? 
Do I create it myself? It seems like  the compilation of the kernel 
should do it for me

5. What is  the purpose of System.map? I can't find anything in my 
documentation that gives any indication of its funstion,

If anyone has answers to the above questions or knows how to get them, 
I'd really appreciate some feedback!


Don Kauffman
Email: mailto:dkauffman at tconl.com
I know God won't give me anything I can't handle.  
I just wish God didn't trust me so much. 

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