[olug] FREE CULTURE - Lessig at OSCON

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Thu Aug 15 11:05:52 UTC 2002

Oh my gosh... in complete correspondance with all of the political/social
climate that has been going on with copyrights/limiting fair use/anti GPL
measures my Micro$oft and company (comptia), etc..

Standford Law Professor Lawrence Lessig really summed it up in his
presentation at the Open Source Convention (this was posted to /.)  I urge
EVERYONE to listen to his presentation, just download the flash/mp3/slides
to get his message... we need it.


Lets FREE our CULTURE. =)  

And then go sign up to support the EFF, they had booths at DEFCON 10 and
are fighting for our rights online more than anyone, they need our
support.  I just signed up finally and am really glad I did it... it's the
_least_ one can do.  Are you willing to fight for your freedom? - if not,
you do not deserve it.  What is $65 compared to the price of freedom?!??


"Will you fight? ... " - Braveheart


  Brian Wiese | bwiese at cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru
  GnuPG/PGP key 0x1E820A73 | "FREEDOM!" - Braveheart 

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