[olug] giving the gift of Linux

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Tue Dec 24 00:39:15 UTC 2002

Some gift ideas just right for the season.  It suprises me, but I almost
think it's time that GNU/Linux is ready for the desktop... even for people
that know almost nothing about computers.  Would this be a gift, or a
burden... hopefully they would be looking forward to it.  =)

Santa Tux's Corner: The Gift of Linux, Part 1  "SuSE 8.1 Live Evaul CD"

Santa Tux's Corner: The Gift of Linux, Part 2  "Knoppix Live CD"

peace, happy holidays!

  Brian Wiese | bwiese at cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru
  GnuPG/PGP key 0x1E820A73 | "FREEDOM!" - Braveheart 
This is not about Napster or DVDs. It's about your Freedom.
  I'll see your DMCA and raise you a First Amendment.

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