[olug] Of Defraggers and Partitions (or how greedy is Win2k?)

William Haisch whaisch4 at cox.net
Mon Dec 30 04:31:22 UTC 2002

Any one else have these problems?  So, I finally downloaded the three
Mandrake Install CDs and burned them this morning.  I backed up my system to
external firewire drive and defragged with Win2k defrager (snap-in).  I
booted off the CD #1 and tried resizing my FAT32 Win2k partition (20GB) into
two 10GB partitions (Win2k FAT32 and Mandrake), but it only lets me have a
partition of 300 mb.  What gives?  I also tried FIPS and Partition Resizer
with the same exact outcome.  My theory:  there is some stupid small file
near the end that is causing the resizers to return small partitions.  So, I
need a solution or a DOS FAT32-compatible defragger.  Know of any?

William Haisch
Authorized Apple Service Technician
CompTIA A+ Service Professional

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