[olug] Other distros

bbrush at unlnotes.unl.edu bbrush at unlnotes.unl.edu
Tue Feb 19 16:22:04 UTC 2002

As some of you might recall, last fall I built a new computer (for my
wife).  It has 15 Gb of unused space that I reserved for a Linux partition.
I am getting in the mood to do something about filling that space but I
want to try something new.

First let me fill you in on what this machine is going to do.

Primarily desktop duty, with an emphasis on a good GUI.  I'm hoping that I
can get it usable for my wife, and gradually ween her off of Windows (since
I'll be damed if I'll agree to the XP license).  The machine  is safely
nestled behind a firewall so security isn't quite as important.  I don't
have any services I need to host.

Since I want to also take this opportunity to try some other distros, I
need some suggestions on boot managers.  Are there any out there that I can
install that aren't dependent on  the distro?  I anticipate doing multiple
installs/wipes and I'd like the boot screen to stay fairly consistent for
my wife's sake.  A boot menu would also be most handy since I need to make
this as friendly as possible. I can even make a boot manager partition if
necessary.  I also want to install FreeDOS on a partition.

Now I've used some of the big-name distros (RH, Mandrake, and an old, old,
old version of Slackware), but I'd like to take this opportunity to try
some of the other distros.    Here's a list of ones I'm looking at.  Any
input/feedback would be appreciated.

Linux Antarctica

I want to try to do an FTP install, although if necessary I can burn an

Thanks for the help!


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