[olug] Fw: [huskerlug] Re: my laptop

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Mon Jan 7 10:57:43 UTC 2002

My what a difference a day can make, its like you look in the closet for
your favorite shirt, can't find it... and next week its been hanging up
there all along! :)

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 10:02:40 -0600
Jon <thechunk at home.com> wrote:

> Can you post the contents of /etc/lilo.conf to this list?
Yep! I looked over this file a couple times, I was trying to figure out
what launches that gui lilo login thingie.  I knew it was xdm/kdm or
whatever, cuz that is later... eventually I gave up.  I had always figured
that /boot/message was just a text file you can announce at startup, like
/etc/issue and /etc/motd.  I usually have it disabled, but nonetheless... 

So when I looked at the file again today, and 'questioned everything!' I
decided to run /boot/message through less... and guess what I got? all
kinds of garbly gook! yes! so its not just text. i did a 'file
/boot/message' and it just said it was data, then looked at it through
electric eyes 'ee /boot/message' and viola! Very similiar to the windows
logos.sys file, but for redhat. :)  So I just commented that
'message=/boot/message' bad boy line out of there...

image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.17-0.1  ## vmlinuz-2.4.2-2

and viola! and guess what... now windows works too!  It was complaining
that himem.sys was missing. now it works fine. so loading that graphic up
is more than just ugly, its damaging to your system! muhahahaha

ok, so now you know. I'm happy. Killed two ugly annoying birds with one
stone! ...alas, many more to go. :)

> On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 08:16:19AM -0600, Brian Wiese wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Begin forwarded message:
> > 
> > Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 06:24:11 -0600
> > From: Brian Wiese <bwiese at cotse.com>
> > To: huskerlug at freelists.org
> > Subject: [huskerlug] Re: my laptop
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I finally got a new load of a linux distro on my laptop (gw solo 9100)
> > the installfest, redhat 7.1. I did a rh7.1 install months ago, and
> > just come to realize the same problem I have now, that I had then.  I
> > installed it on my 2gig partition (6gig drive, 1st partition is 4gb
> > win98) and it works fine, and Jon with the help of
> > http://www.robval.com/linux/solo/ got my X working pretty darn good...
> > my problem:
> > 
> > I go to boot my win98 partition, 'dos' on the gui lilo prompt (ps- how
> > I turn off that grapical lilo redhat picture? any1 know?) and ...
> > HIMEM.SYS is missing.
> > 
> > suggestions?
> > 
> > I believe the issues with my laptop locking up/freezing in linux
> > (debian/redhat) must be hardware related issue, but its odd since I'm
> > never really doing anything, it just locks up.
> > 
> > Brian


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