[olug] New COX managed network bad for Linux

Mark Martin mmartin at amath.washington.edu
Wed Jan 16 15:38:54 UTC 2002

Also, dhclient seems to be the weakest popular DHCP client for Linux. 
It doesn't handle various aspects of DHCP properly.  For example, it
won't provide the DHCP server with the hostname of your client machine,
no matter what the man page says.

dhcpcd seems to be quite a bit better.  If you read the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup script on a Red Hat or Mandrake
system, you'll notice that dhcpcd also appears to be the client
preferred by Red Hat and Mandrake since it is the first one that the
system looks for when setting up an interface with DHCP.
Mark A. Martin					Dept of Applied Mathematics
http://www.amath.washington.edu/~mmartin	University of Washington


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